APW boasts a fully equipped darkroom available for hire. Great attention was given to designing this darkroom and ensuring maximum working comfort as well as top of the range printing equipment. Two separate spaces are available for hire, a dedicated film processing space and enlarging darkroom. Photographers may book singular sessions or arrange for multiple sessions if they are producing a body of work. An advantage of hiring APW’s darkroom facilities is the access to Dennis and Janus’ expertise for printing and processing assistance and guidance. Processing chemicals are included in the darkroom fee. Please supply your own printing paper.
The darkrooms consist of the following equipment:
Film processing: Film light safe, processing reels and holders to accommodate 135, 120, 220, and 4×5 film sizes, a variety of processing tanks in different sizes, measuring jugs, thermometers, film washer, and professional film dryer.
Darkroom: 4×5” Ilford Ilfospeed Multigrade 500H diffuse enlarger mounted on Omega column. Included is a full set of professional Schneider and Rodenstock enlarging lenses for formats 135, 120 and 4×5. Omega negative carriers for most formats including 135, 6×4.5, 6×6, 6×7, 6×9, 6×12, and 4×5. Saunders easels in various size up to a maximum of 20×24”. Omega focus finder, light box and all other printing accessories. A variety of print tray sizes are available from 8×10” to a maximum of 20×24”. Zone VI vertical archival washer, Ilford 1050 RC print dryer, fibre base paper drying racks and Seal heat press for flattening your fibre prints.
Please contact us for prices or queries.