APW’s foundational Black & White workshop is directed at complete beginners as well as those who wish to rekindle and revive forgotten darkroom skills. No prior experience of the darkroom is required.               space This workshop stretches over two consecutive days and is well structured in terms of gaining a basic yet in-depth understanding of film photography and darkroom printing. Under the guidance of Dennis and Janus participants expose a roll of film, which they process themselves, and print in a traditional darkroom. On the first day of this workshop you will learn the basic fundamentals of film photography, including ISO, aperture, shutter speed and cameras. You will expose your own roll of film and learn all aspects associated with processing film including chemistry, development times, temperatures, and required processing equipment. From here we proceed to make a contact print and familiarise ourselves with the darkroom environment and enlarging equipment. The second day is dedicated to printing and you enlarge a number of negatives onto 8×10” B&W resin paper. You learn a number of printing techniques such as altering contrast with filters as well as dodging and burning. We aim to produce at least 5 enlargements per individual during this printing day. Places are limited to a maximum of 6 participants to allow each their own enlarger and to provide individual attention throughout the workshop. Master printer Dennis da Silva continually provides feedback and personalized advice on aesthetic and printing quality. In addition, constructive critique is provided on a regular basis to the group and individuals are encouraged to refine and hone their technique. The workshop fee includes all materials used in this workshop, such as film, paper and chemistry. Please bring a 35mm camera to the workshop – if you do not own a camera please contact us as we have a variety of cameras available for loan. Duration: 2 Days / Time: 08:30 – 16:00 / Class Size: Max 6 / Skill Level: All Levels Cost: R2600 (incl. all materials)  

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Comments (6)

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    What a great and useful article!


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    What a wonderful blog! Thumbs up!


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      I agree! It is really a beautiful blog.


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      Yes, that is right! Loving it!


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      John Q. Public


      Thank you all for the positive feedback!


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    Thanks guys, you offer awesome themes!


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